Archive for May, 2008

May 14 2008

Riley and Petey go to Ramapo Reservation

Published by under Riley

A beautiful day in May at Ramapo Reservation…

Riley retrieves a stick in the Ramapo River:

[flashvideo filename=videos/2008/riley-river-05-08.flv width=480 height=360 /]

Riley and Petey in the woods:

[flashvideo filename=videos/2008/riley-petey-woods-05-08.flv width=480 height=360 /]

Riley retrieves a stick in the Reservoir:

[flashvideo filename=videos/2008/riley-reservoir-05-08.flv width=480 height=360 /]

Petey goes in the water:

[flashvideo filename=videos/2008/petey-water-05-08.flv width=480 height=360 /]

Riley and Petey run around with Rufus and Jeeves:

[flashvideo filename=videos/2008/riley-dogs-water1-05-08.flv width=480 height=360 /]

Riley and Petey run around with Rufus and Jeeves and another dog:

[flashvideo filename=videos/2008/riley-dogs-water2-05-08.flv width=480 height=360 /]

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