Jul 15 2009

Riley and Petey at Ramapo Reservation–July 15, 2009

Published by at 9:32 pm under Riley

A beautiful summer day…You can click on the thumbnails to enlarge the image or click on the large image below to advance to the next image, or click on “Play Slideshow”

Petey goes for a swim in the McMillan Reservoir:

[flashvideo filename=videos/2009/petey-swims-07-15-09.flv width=480 height=360 /]

Riley and Petey play in the woods:

[flashvideo filename=videos/2009/riley-petey-woods-07-15-09.flv width=480 height=360 /]

A harmless black snake crawls down a tree:

[flashvideo filename=videos/2009/blacksnake-07-15-09.flv width=480 height=360 /]

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Riley and Petey at Ramapo Reservation–July 15, 2009”

  1. stephanieon 16 Jul 2009 at 1:24 pm

    oh my lord that snake almost made me throw up my bean salad.

  2. Deb aka Suzion 21 Jul 2009 at 1:53 pm

    So funny….I was eating spaghetti of all things when I viewed that slithering monster and wanted to toss my #@%! too!!!!!

    Also, I know you “threw” Poor Petey into the water to get him to swim! 🙁 🙁 🙁

    One more thing…I like the textures of the frog covered in green moss, and the fly landing on a dog’s coat of wavy fur.